One day when I was a little girl playing in the woods outside my home, I found three bird feathers and tied them onto a tree with some sticks and leaves.
I stared at my installation for a while, transfixed by its beauty and the ritual I had performed to set it apart from nature. It was like a doorway into an unseen world of deeper meaning and it turned out to be a doorway into my own future as an artist.
Today, I work in photography and mixed media. My black and white photographic work is about exploring that unseen world and the ritual that brings me to it. It is a journey of discovery.
In it I find myself, and a larger roll of bringing this knowledge to others in the hopes of healing the rift between the worlds.
What I reveal feels primal and ancient, yet it seems to need to be reinterpreted for every generation.
As I enter the second half of my life, the messages take on new meaning.
The sense of being a woman has deepened and so my work had deepened in response.