All classes begin with a centering process and communion with nature to inspire your work.

During the classes, I will  lead you step-by-step through the process of wet felting while you create your own unique piece of felt art in the class.

In Object of Attachment you will also learn to incorporate found objects into your designs. Using pre-felt for more precise designs and adding attachments. This will be a step by step process of wet felting. Laying out fibers using a resist material to give a seamless form.

You may bring your own small objects to use for attachment. There will also be some time to stroll through the local woodlands for found objects.

Mixed Media Fiber Arts| Wet Felting Workshops| Felting Classes w/ Susan Mills

Winged Vessel

Mixed Media Fiber Arts| Wet Felting Workshops| Felting Classes w/ Susan Mills

Void Vessel

Mixed Media Fiber Arts| Wet Felting Workshops| Felting Classes w/ Susan Mills

Flying Bag

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