In this class, we will be creating Shamanic Tools such as Prayer Sticks and Bundles, Talismans and Amulets OR Ceremonial Wall Hangings and Prayer Flags.( will be specified on class offerings)

Students are encouraged to bring sacred objects such as sticks, stones, shells and more that may inspire their creations as well as possibly be incorporated into their pieces.

Depending on the intricacy of their creation it is likely that more than one tool can be realized in this 6-hour class. Classes are held 10am – 4pm.

Tuition: $95.00 and includes 2 ounces of wool.

April 28 : SPIRIT CIRCLE-Shamanic Arts

May 26: SPIRIT CIRCLE-Shamanic Arts

June 30: SPIRIT CIRCLE-Shamanic Arts

6 hours- 10am- 4pm

6 participants max

If you are interested in learning more about the more advanced trainings, please email me through the contact form.

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